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    Jerusalem Post on Meir Kahane revelations

    Jerusalem Post on Meir Kahane revelations

    CLICK HERE to read page one story in the Jerusalem Post:…

    1000 Years For Revenge The inside story of the terrorist who designed the 9/11 plot and the two heroes who tried to stop him.

    1000 Years For Revenge The inside story of the terrorist who designed the 9/11 plot and the two heroes who tried to stop him.

    Chapter One BLACK TUESDAY On the morning of September 11, 2001, the greatest would-be mass murderer since Adolf Hitler was locked down in solitary confinement in a Colorado prison. In…

    Read Chapter One of Peter Lance’s new thriller STRANGER 456. Then buy it on amazon or B&

    Read Chapter One of Peter Lance’s new thriller STRANGER 456. Then buy it on amazon or B&

    WATCH SHORT YOUTUBE VIDEO Buy the thriller at:   The psychopath whom the FBI suspected of killing thirty-seven women leaned in over the autopsy table. The body of a female…

    Spy Who Came in For The Heat: PLAYBOY piece on Emad Salem

    Spy Who Came in For The Heat: PLAYBOY piece on Emad Salem

    An ex-FBI undercover operative who infiltrated the al Qaeda cell responsible for the 1993 WTC comes out of Witness Protection to tell the untold story. CLICK HERE to read the…

    Private War of Anthony Shaffer: PLAYBOY on censorship of “Operation Dark Heart”

    Private War of Anthony Shaffer: PLAYBOY on censorship of “Operation Dark Heart”

    The shocking truth behind the Pentagon’s efforts to suppress a book that strikes at the heart of it’s dysfunctional intelligence efforts Click here to read full story.…

    Vindication on the Ramzi Yousef-Terry Nichols connection

    Vindication on the Ramzi Yousef-Terry Nichols connection

    On December 22nd, 2006, the House International Relations Oversight Committee, chaired by Cong. Dana Rhorabacher (R-CA) released a report entitled: “The Oklahoma City Bombing: Was There A Foreign Connection?” Click for…

    The O’Reilly Factor: November 21st, 2006

    The O’Reilly Factor: November 21st, 2006

      Peter Lance spars with former Cong. John Kasich, now Ohio governor on The O’Reilly Factor discussing the revelations about al Qaeda spy Ali Mohamed in Triple cross CLICK HERE…

    Nat Geo Channel Whitewash of Triple Cross Findings

    Nat Geo Channel Whitewash of Triple Cross Findings

    On Saturday, March 1st, 2008 Nat Geo Channel re aired its documentary which whitewashed Peter Lance’s criticism of the FBI and DOJ in TRIPLE CROSS. For Nat Geo’s description of…

    Kasigate: Uncovering the Santa Barbara DUI police scandal

    Kasigate: Uncovering the Santa Barbara DUI police scandal

    See Peter Lance’s op ed page piece in the Santa Barbara News-Press demanding that Attorney General Kamala Harris appoint a special prosecutor to probe this findings in his investigation of…



     NEW HARDCOVER  EDITION from Tenacity Media Books.  Superman pulled up to the decrepit row house in a Black ’94 Econoline van. The needles crunched on the sidewalk along Avenue C when…

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