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    The law review article that created The Right to Privacy and an entire new body of media law

    The law review article that created The Right to Privacy and an entire new body of media law

    By Peter Lance January 5th 2017. Two years after I graduated from law school, Fordham University Press published a volume of essays entitled “Privacy: A Vanishing Value.” Edited by the…

    HuffPost: Chemical gas, Tomahawk missiles and a 180 turn in Trump’s position on Syria. Was there a “Wag The Dog” scenario behind last week’s attack?

    HuffPost: Chemical gas, Tomahawk missiles and a 180 turn in Trump’s position on Syria. Was there a “Wag The Dog” scenario behind last week’s attack?

     By Peter Lance April 10th, 2017 The HuffPost Few who have observed President Trump’s visceral reaction to news footage in his regular Twitter storms, could doubt that part of his motivation in sending…

    The Second Michael Flynn Scandal, The Greek Philosopher Zeno And Staying Frosty During The Chaos Presidency of Donald J. Trump

    The Second Michael Flynn Scandal, The Greek Philosopher Zeno And Staying Frosty During The Chaos Presidency of Donald J. Trump

    By Peter Lance March 11th, 2017. The Huffington Post.  The culpability of Donald Trump who hired de-frocked Lt. Gen Michael Flynn as our National Security Advisor, goes far beyond Sen. Howard…