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    COVER UP: Chapter One

    COVER UP: Chapter One

    Buy Cover Up   The White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan who ruled Neshoba County, Mississippi, had a nickname for Michael “Mickey,” Schwerner, the New York white boy who came down to Meridian, Mississippi that Freedom Summer to register black voters and open a local community…

    1000 Years For Revenge The inside story of the terrorist who designed the 9/11 plot and the two heroes who tried to stop him.

    1000 Years For Revenge The inside story of the terrorist who designed the 9/11 plot and the two heroes who tried to stop him.

    Chapter One BLACK TUESDAY On the morning of September 11, 2001, the greatest would-be mass murderer since Adolf Hitler was locked down in solitary confinement in a Colorado prison. In a seven-by-twelve-foot cell at the Supermax, the most secure of all federal jails, Ramzi Yousef sat waiting like…

    Read Chapter One of Peter Lance’s new thriller STRANGER 456. Then buy it on amazon or B&

    Read Chapter One of Peter Lance’s new thriller STRANGER 456. Then buy it on amazon or B&

    WATCH SHORT YOUTUBE VIDEO Buy the thriller at:   The psychopath whom the FBI suspected of killing thirty-seven women leaned in over the autopsy table. The body of a female lay face up. Blonde, in her early twenties, her green eyes were opaque in death. The young woman’s…

    Ex Mafia capo Greg Scarpa Jr. alerts FBI to Terry Nichols’ hidden cache of explosives

    Ex Mafia capo Greg Scarpa Jr. alerts FBI to Terry Nichols’ hidden cache of explosives

    As recounted in my third HarperCollins investigative book TRIPLE CROSS in 2005 Gregory Scarpa Jr., now serving a 40…



     NEW HARDCOVER  EDITION from Tenacity Media Books.  Superman pulled up to the decrepit row house in a Black ’94…

    Fort Hood Massacre & KSM What Do They Have in Common? Part One

    Fort Hood Massacre & KSM What Do They Have in Common? Part One

    Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part I: What do these terrorism stories have in common? By Peter…

    Fort Hood, KSM & Anwar al-Awlaki Part Two

    Fort Hood, KSM & Anwar al-Awlaki Part Two

    Fort Hood & the KSM trial- Part II: The al Qaeda Spy Who Could Be the Best Witness…

    Operation Able Danger

    Operation Able Danger

    Sept. 11th, 2010. The New York Times, the A.P. and Fox News break the story of how Tony…

    FIRST DEGREE BURN: Reds vs. Blues

    FIRST DEGREE BURN: Reds vs. Blues

    ORDER NEW HARDCOVER  THE REDS VS. THE BLUES The rivalry between the NYPD and the FDNY ran broad 

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