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    NYT: How Police Unions Became Such Powerful Opponents to Reform Efforts

    NYT: How Police Unions Became Such Powerful Opponents to Reform Efforts

    By Noam Scheiber, Farah Stockman and J. David Goodman June 6, 2020, 12:29 p.m. ET Over the past five years, as demands for reform have mounted in the aftermath of police violence in cities like Ferguson,…

    On the passing of visionary director Melvin Van Peebles, screen MISSING PERSONS, the long lost ABC pilot directed by his son Mario

    On the passing of visionary director Melvin Van Peebles, screen MISSING PERSONS, the long lost ABC pilot directed by his son Mario

    September 23rd 2021, On the passing of legendary Renaissance man and filmmaker Melvin Van Peebles, consider “Missing Persons” a pilot for the ABC Television Network directed by his son Mario.…

    CNN: Robert DeNiro compares Trump to “a gangster” and calls his presidency “a crisis.”

    CNN: Robert DeNiro compares Trump to “a gangster” and calls his presidency “a crisis.”

    By Peter Lance September 29th, 2019. While most of the coverage of Robert DeNiro’s appearance this morning on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” focused on his use of “the F-bomb,” in the course of a…

    The Second Michael Flynn Scandal, The Greek Philosopher Zeno And Staying Frosty During The Chaos Presidency of Donald J. Trump

    The Second Michael Flynn Scandal, The Greek Philosopher Zeno And Staying Frosty During The Chaos Presidency of Donald J. Trump

    By Peter Lance March 11th, 2017. The Huffington Post.  The culpability of Donald Trump who hired de-frocked Lt. Gen Michael Flynn as our National Security Advisor, goes far beyond Sen. Howard…

    Lois Capps’ farewell. Will she ever come clean about the role of her office in the manslaughter hit-and-run death of Mallory Rae Dies?

    Lois Capps’ farewell. Will she ever come clean about the role of her office in the manslaughter hit-and-run death of Mallory Rae Dies?

    By Peter Lance Updated December 18th, 2016. Three years ago on December 5th, 2013, after representing his boss, then eight-term congresswoman Lois Capps, at The Holiday Bash — the annual…

    SB Independent’s Tyler Hayden goes off on me in a Trump-like Sunday Twitter rant

    SB Independent’s Tyler Hayden goes off on me in a Trump-like Sunday Twitter rant

        By Peter Lance December 18th, 2016. I’d just retrieved the Sunday NYT this morning and was sitting down with coffee to eye the front page, when Tyler Hayden,…

    Peter Lance Bio and 2011-14 investigative series

    BIOGRAPHY: 2011 SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS DUI SERIES PARTS 1-10 PARTS 11-13 2014 SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS DUI SERIES PART ONE:          Memories of Mallory PART TWO:         Everybody Loved Raymond…

    Coming soon: a new website as a resource for enterprise journalists covering the Trump presidency –

    Coming soon: a new website as a resource for enterprise journalists covering the Trump presidency –

                      By Peter Lance Dec. 7th, 2016  The prospect of the impending Trump administration presents the media with challenges, unknown since the…

    Find your polling place if you haven’t already voted and vote like your future depends on it.

    Find your polling place if you haven’t already voted and vote like your future depends on it.

    CLICK IMAGE to find your polling place nationwide.…

    FBI Director James Comey in the crosshairs. The one Washington official to get Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton on the same page

    FBI Director James Comey in the crosshairs. The one Washington official to get Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton on the same page

    By Peter Lance October 29th. From 2003 to 2014 I wrote four investigative books for HarperCollins critical of the FBI’s performance in counter-terrorism and organized crime. Starting in 1989 my reporting…