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    Sevellon Brown Award, New England A.P. Managing Editor’s Association:

    “Newport’s Back Yard.”

    New York Area Emmy

    WNET: The Great American Land Hustle

    New York Area Emmy

    WABC: The Willowbrook Case: People vs. State of N.Y.

    National Emmy For Community Service

    Ohio State Award

    San Francisco State Broadcast Award

    Robert F. Kennedy Award

    Scripps Howard Prize

    WABC: The Willowbrook Case: People vs. State of N.Y. 

    National Emmy Outstanding Program Achievement

    ABC News 20/20: Arson & Profit

    National Emmy Outstanding Program Achievement

    ABC News 20/20: Unnecessary Surgery

    Emmy Nomination:

    ABC News 20/20: Mental

    Emmy Nomination: ABC News 20/20:

    ABC News 20/20: Formaldehyde: The Danger Within

    National Headliner Award:

    Emmy Nomination: ABC News 20/20:

    ABC News 20/20: Deadly Chemicals, Deadly Oil

    1985: Planned Parenthood Award

    ABC News Nightline: Abortion Clinic Violence

    1987: Outstanding Alumni Award: Northeastern University

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