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    Stories written by Peter Lance

    The Mad Men finale: Don Draper goes out with an “Om” and we fade to a Coke ad. Where is Walter White when we need him?

    The Mad Men finale: Don Draper goes out with an “Om” and we fade to a Coke ad. Where is Walter White when we need him?

    By Peter Lance © May 19, 2015 New Yorker critic Emily Nussbaum called the ending of Sunday night’s Mad Men finale “existentially brilliant.” But as a devoted fan who binge-watched…

    The Capps political dynasty ends. The unanswered questions in the DUI-manslaughter scandal that may have kept Laura out of Congress and spared Hillary’s campaign another ethics issue.

    The Capps political dynasty ends. The unanswered questions in the DUI-manslaughter scandal that may have kept Laura out of Congress and spared Hillary’s campaign another ethics issue.

    By Peter Lance © May 6th, 2015.  All the pieces were in place. Laura Capps and political power broker husband Bill Burton had purchased a home in the 24th District.…

    The FBI’s two biggest counter-terrorism failures missed by the 9/11 Review Commission

    The FBI’s two biggest counter-terrorism failures missed by the 9/11 Review Commission

    By Peter Lance ©  The lead in the March 25th NYT piece on the report by the Review Commission on the FBI’s counter-terrorism performance since 9/11 was reflective of the report itself, which…

    Gotti Jr. says he never watched “The Sopranos.” The real truth of “the life,” lies somewhere between “The Godfather” and “Goodfellas”

    Gotti Jr. says he never watched “The Sopranos.” The real truth of “the life,” lies somewhere between “The Godfather” and “Goodfellas”

    March 9th. (updated) Part 3 of CNN interview with John Gotti Jr. To access all segments with Michael Smerconish CLICK the images below. In Saturday’s interview Gotti Jr. discusses the…

    The first attack on the WTC 25 years ago was a warning that could have stopped the second one on 9/11. What lessons has the FBI learned?

    The first attack on the WTC 25 years ago was a warning that could have stopped the second one on 9/11. What lessons has the FBI learned?

    By Peter Lance February 26th, 2018. 25 years ago, just before noon, Ramzi Yousef, the brilliant but twisted bomb maker funded by Osama bin Laden, lit the fuses on a…

    Qatar: the friend of our enemy is not our friend. New questions raised on the anti-ISIS Alliance.

    Qatar: the friend of our enemy is not our friend. New questions raised on the anti-ISIS Alliance.

    By Peter Lance © Updated Feb. 27th, 2015. With increasing questions about the commitment of certain Arab nations in the Alliance vs. The Islamic State (ISIS) recently underscored by the NYT re: Saudi…

    Abby Martin interviews Peter Lance on RT’s “Breaking The Set”

    Abby Martin interviews Peter Lance on RT’s “Breaking The Set”

    On “Deal With The Devil.” Click the image for YouTube piece with more than 8,000 hits. The interview starts at 17:54 from the top.…

    Foreword to the new memoir by John Gotti Jr. No. 1 on two best seller lists

    Foreword to the new memoir by John Gotti Jr. No. 1 on two best seller lists

    By Peter Lance. January 11th, 2015. John Marzulli, who covers organized crime for the N.Y. Daily News, today broke a story on “Shadow of My Father,” the new memoir by John…

    Background on Dies settlement: Asst. U.S. Attorney was reportedly “horrified” at investigative series “Death On The American Riviera”

    Background on Dies settlement: Asst. U.S. Attorney was reportedly “horrified” at investigative series “Death On The American Riviera”

    By Scott Steepleton Santa Barbara News-Press December 30th, 2014 Through tears of grief, Matt Dies recalled the day the federal government put a seven-figure price on his daughter Mallory’s life.…