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    STRANGER 456: The page-turning thriller that shatters the FBI’s “profiling” method for stopping serial killers

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    May 1st, 2023  STRANGER 456 is a thriller documenting the hunt for a serial killer named Axel who is murdering people across all victim classes in defiance of all FBI profiles.

    Working against a deadline as he uses the homicides to create some kind of master work, the brilliant but twisted killer is being pursued by Maddy Bergstrom a tenacious young Sheriff’s Deputy and Joseph Stone, a former Special Agent and veteran of the Bureau’s Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico.

    At the same time they’re being thwarted by Supervisory Special Agent Ron Killebrew who now runs the BAU. In an epic chase that begins on an icy mountain road in Washington State and climaxes in Axel’s Midwest lair, STRANGER 456 is unlike any take on the serial killer genre you’ve ever known.

    Pregnant with moral ambiguity, action and depth of character, STRANGER 456 is a psychological thriller that will shatter all the myths you’ve encountered about these real-life human predators Order the book in three editions from AMAZON. Watch the VIDEO TRAILER

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