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    Iran-Contra Flashback: How The Oliver North Defense could impact the FBI’s investigation into Team Trump and The Kremlin

    Iran-Contra Flashback: How The Oliver North Defense could impact the FBI’s investigation into Team Trump and The Kremlin

    By Peter Lance investigating The Huffington Post April 1st, 2017. Regarding ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s recent request for immunity, there’s a lesson to be learned from a short-lived…

    The Daily Beast: The Truth About Trump’s Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy

    The Daily Beast: The Truth About Trump’s Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy

    By Peter Lance.  September 29th, 2019. In light of what Kevin Poulsen of The Daily Beast calls “Trump’s Insane Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy,” I’m reposting my piece for  The Huffington Post on the President’s continued…

    Download The Newport Map with 70 key locations cited in HOMICIDE & take the Newport tour this fall.

    Download The Newport Map with 70 key locations cited in HOMICIDE & take the Newport tour this fall.

    Nov. 29th 2021.  Download the MAP in the open to HOMICIDE AT ROUGH POINT, starting with the scene of the crime, Doris Duke’s home museum at 680 Bellevue Avenue, and…

    Find a Word Searchable Version of The Mueller Report at

    Find a Word Searchable Version of The Mueller Report at

        Just Security April 20th, 2019  DOWNLOAD PDFS VOLUME I – Criminal Conspiracy   VOLUME II Obstruction…