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    Breakthrough publishing company Ingram/Spark features “First Degree Burn” testimonial

    Breakthrough publishing company Ingram/Spark features “First Degree Burn” testimonial

    By Peter Lance July 20th. I began my association with Ingram Book Group, the nation’s largest wholesaler of books, with the publication of my first novel, “First Degree Burn” in 1997.…

    WFAN CBS Radio in NYC reruns Bob Salter’s interview in which Peter Lance discusses former U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald’s campaign to kill his 3rd counter-terrorism book “Triple Cross.”

    WFAN CBS Radio in NYC reruns Bob Salter’s interview in which Peter Lance discusses former U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald’s campaign to kill his 3rd counter-terrorism book “Triple Cross.”

    CLICK to access the interview recorded by Bob Salter on July 20th, 2013. It first aired on July 21st and re-aired November 24th.…

    Look inside DEAL WITH THE DEVIL or listen to THE AUDIO BOOK narrated by Peter Lance

    Look inside DEAL WITH THE DEVIL or listen to THE AUDIO BOOK narrated by Peter Lance


    Listen Live to Peter Lance on legendary Chicago radio station WGN 720 AM tonight: 11:00 p.m. eastern; 8:00 p.m. pacific

    Listen Live to Peter Lance on legendary Chicago radio station WGN 720 AM tonight: 11:00 p.m. eastern; 8:00 p.m. pacific

    LISTEN LIVE as Matt Bubala interviews Peter Lance on Chicago’s legendary 50,000 watt station WGN 720 AM. For archived broadcast CLICK HERE.…

    New York Times cites “Deal” in piece on Angela Clemente who got Greg Scarpa Sr. files via FOIA suit

    New York Times cites “Deal” in piece on Angela Clemente who got Greg Scarpa Sr. files via FOIA suit

    THE NEW YORK TIMES The Mob and Angela Clemente By Alan Feuer June 29th, 2013  …

    Frank Morano interviews Peter Lance WNYM AM970theanswer

    Frank Morano interviews Peter Lance WNYM AM970theanswer

                Part One Part Two. CLICK HERE FOR PREVIOUS INTERVIEW ON DECEMBER 12th, 2012…

    Note to Bill Burton following his “Soapbox” piece in the SacBee on the rights of women

    Note to Bill Burton following his “Soapbox” piece in the SacBee on the rights of women

    By Peter Lance July 1st, 2015. Bill Burton, the political power broker and husband of Rep. Lois Capps’ daughter Laura, published a heart warming piece in the “Soapbox” column of…

    Fox News: Peter Lance interviewed on The O’Reilly Factor

    Fox News: Peter Lance interviewed on The O’Reilly Factor

    9/ reviews Triple Cross the third book in Peter Lance’s 9/11 counter-terrorism trilogy

    9/ reviews Triple Cross the third book in Peter Lance’s 9/11 counter-terrorism trilogy

        Book Review: Peter Lance Indicts FBI/DoJ, but Leaves CIA as Unindicted Co-conspirator by Michael Richardson Most of the journalistic foundation for the 9/11 truth movement is a vast…

    Matt Dies urges other media to cover story of Lois Capps scandal first reported in the News-Press

    Matt Dies urges other media to cover story of Lois Capps scandal first reported in the News-Press

    Glad for more coverage of Mallory’s Death By Matt Dies June 14th, 2014. I was very happy to see the other media join the Santa Barbara News-Press in covering the…