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    Order the new hardcover edition of Peter Lance’s ticking clock thriller. A take on the hunt for a serial killer who defies all FBI profiles

    Order the new hardcover edition of Peter Lance’s ticking clock thriller. A take on the hunt for a serial killer who defies all FBI profiles barnes& Watch the video on  Profile of Chicago P.D. Captain Winston Jamal: Chapter 58 STRANGER 456 is nonstop thriller documenting of the hunt for a serial killer named Axel who…

    First Degree Burn Review

    First Degree Burn Review

    By Dave Mason News-Press June 19, 2015. The review as it appears in print. Order the novel from  For The Prologue & Chapters 1-2. Available in Santa Barbara @ Tecolote Book Shop. The Author’s…

    Daily Beast: Super PACs funneled more than $625,000 to Laura Capps’ husband and his partner since 2013; impacting Hillary

    Daily Beast: Super PACs funneled more than $625,000 to Laura Capps’ husband and his partner since 2013; impacting Hillary

    By Carrie Levine, Center for Public Integrity May 22nd. Liberals have slammed Priorities USA Action, the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC, for not raising enough money, but that didn’t prevent a pair of…

    The Capps political dynasty ends. The unanswered questions in the DUI-manslaughter scandal that may have kept Laura out of Congress and spared Hillary’s campaign another ethics issue.

    The Capps political dynasty ends. The unanswered questions in the DUI-manslaughter scandal that may have kept Laura out of Congress and spared Hillary’s campaign another ethics issue.

    By Peter Lance © May 6th, 2015.  All the pieces were in place. Laura Capps and political power broker husband Bill Burton had purchased a home in the 24th District.…

    Abby Martin interviews Peter Lance on RT’s “Breaking The Set”

    Abby Martin interviews Peter Lance on RT’s “Breaking The Set”

    On “Deal With The Devil.” Click the image for YouTube piece with more than 8,000 hits. The interview starts at 17:54 from the top.…

    Foreword to the new memoir by John Gotti Jr. No. 1 on two best seller lists

    Foreword to the new memoir by John Gotti Jr. No. 1 on two best seller lists

    By Peter Lance. January 11th, 2015. John Marzulli, who covers organized crime for the N.Y. Daily News, today broke a story on “Shadow of My Father,” the new memoir by John…

    Background on Dies settlement: Asst. U.S. Attorney was reportedly “horrified” at investigative series “Death On The American Riviera”

    Background on Dies settlement: Asst. U.S. Attorney was reportedly “horrified” at investigative series “Death On The American Riviera”

    By Scott Steepleton Santa Barbara News-Press December 30th, 2014 Through tears of grief, Matt Dies recalled the day the federal government put a seven-figure price on his daughter Mallory’s life.…

    The price of censorship: “The Interview” opens to sellout crowds while “Citizenfour” emerges as Best Picture contender.

    The price of censorship: “The Interview” opens to sellout crowds while “Citizenfour” emerges as Best Picture contender.

    By Peter Lance December 25th, 2014. After Sony Pictures backed away from its earlier decision to shelve the Seth Rogen-James Franco parody following North Korea’s invasive hack on the company,…

    9/11 Plaintiffs Ask for Time to Assess “20th hijacker” Zacarias Moussaoui Claims of Saudi Involvement.

    9/11 Plaintiffs Ask for Time to Assess “20th hijacker” Zacarias Moussaoui Claims of Saudi Involvement.

    By Daniel Fisher  November 6th 2014. Lawyers representing victims of the 9/11 attacks asked a New York court to delay a deadline in their litigation so they can assess…

    Ex-DEA Agent Michael Levine on Deal With The Devil

    Ex-DEA Agent Michael Levine on Deal With The Devil

    DEAL WITH THE DEVIL We’re fundraising for WBAI-FM in NYC. We’re offering something very special – Peter Lance’s book “Deal with the Devil”, along with an hour-long never aired anywhere…