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    MOTHER JONE’S 1985 cover story on how ABC News killed multiple stories critical of Reagan associates. Two of them were mine.

    MOTHER JONE’S 1985 cover story on how ABC News killed multiple stories critical of Reagan associates. Two of them were mine.

    By Peter Lance April 30th, 2023 Lately I’ve been going through what Bob Dylan, early on, called “My Back Pages.” Recently, among multiple crates of research and investigative pieces from…

    STRANGER 456: The page-turning thriller that shatters the FBI’s “profiling” method for stopping serial killers

    STRANGER 456: The page-turning thriller that shatters the FBI’s “profiling” method for stopping serial killers

    May 1st, 2023  STRANGER 456 is a thriller documenting the hunt for a serial killer named Axel who is murdering people across all victim classes in defiance of all FBI…



    If you’re hungry to watch some of the great police series from the late 80’s + 90’s, find a full list of my writing & producing credits on Then go…

    30 years ago al Qaeda’s World Trade Center bombing was the precursor to the 9/11 Attacks.

    30 years ago al Qaeda’s World Trade Center bombing was the precursor to the 9/11 Attacks.

    BY PETER LANCE February 26th, 2023, the 30th anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured a thousand, was the latest proof of George Santayana’s prediction…

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