Three years ago today, July 4th, I interviewed Bob Walker, an unknown witness to a murder 55 years old. Read the international media coverage for HOMICIDE AT ROUGH POINT: the true crime story of how billionaire Doris Duke got away with the murder of gay designer and war hero Eduardo Tirella in 1966

Peter Lance July 4th, 2024 In the fall of 2018 I returned to my hometown of Newport, RI, to investigate an historic true crime legend: whether or not Doris Duke, the wealthiest woman in America in 1966, had escaped criminal charges in a cover up by local police after she crushed her longtime designer/companion Eduardo … Continue reading Three years ago today, July 4th, I interviewed Bob Walker, an unknown witness to a murder 55 years old. Read the international media coverage for HOMICIDE AT ROUGH POINT: the true crime story of how billionaire Doris Duke got away with the murder of gay designer and war hero Eduardo Tirella in 1966