Peter Lance Blog
Peter Lance Blog
Saturday March 15th 2008
Four years ago today on the Ides of March, 2004 I was led into a windowless conference room at 26 Federal Plaza, the FBI's N.Y. Office, by Dietrich Snell, Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission where I gave testimony linking al Qaeda to both attacks on the WTC: 2003 and 9.11.01. Today, in the wake of the Eliot Spitzer sex scandal, Snell remains one of the ex-Governor's most trusted advisors and his lawyer, currently defending him in the Troopergate probe. Snell is one the most enigmatic figures in what I believe to be a Justice Department cover up of the real truth behind the FBI/DOJ negligence on the road to 9.11. On Monday, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, I'll have a detailed story on the Spitzer-Snell connection and the 9.11 related questions that Snell, should be compelled to answer.