ABC’s Twisted “Path to 9/11”


CLICK FOR THE FULL STORY of Neo-con writer/producer Cyrus Nowrasteh’s charges in the L.A. Times, that out of deference to Hillary, the Alphabet web is shelving his mini-series; hyper-critical of Bill’s counter-terrorism record. As the author of “1000 Years For Revenge,” one of the three books on which the five-hour mini was based, I’ve been under a ABC gag order preventing me from telling the real truth behind “Path’s” distortion of history. But as a former correspondent for ABC News, I feel compelled to set the records straight. For the full story behind the L.A. Times “Clinton and the missing DVD,” CLICK  On Sept. 10th, 2007 broke Peter Lance’s story on how ABC distorted his 9/11 investigative book 1000 Years for Revenge in their mini-series “The Path to 9/11.” See news story by Nick Juliano and the full text of Lance’s revealing exposé on how ABC distorted the book’s findings on the FBI’s failures leading up to September 11th.

The Truth Behind ABC’s 9/11 mini-series